Alpha Prime




Alpha-Prime instruction Ver 2.2 (download)

******************************OLED Monitor Library******************************

OLED library(download)

Unzip and put the folders to the following location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries


C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries



(Especially without administrator privileges)

******************************AlphaPrime Source Code******************************

Please use Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser to download the Source Code

-AlphaPrime Source Code (download)

Ver 2017.3.201: Initial Release

*************************************AphaPrime Remote Controller *************************************

For Android OS only

– AlphaPrime Remote Controller (download apk | download source code (aia file))

Ver 1.0:Initial Release

*************************************AphaPrime BlueTooth Setting *************************************

– Ver 1.0 (download)
Ver 1.0: Initial Release
A code which helps you to connect to the Bluetooth module via Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE

Command: Feedback:  Description:
AT OK Used to verify communication
AT+VERSION OKlinvorV1.8 The firmware version (version might depend on firmware)
AT+NAMEIanBB OKsetname Set  the module name to IanBB
AT+PIN1234 OKsetPIN Set the module PIN to 1234 (N.B: the PIN must be for digit (i.e 0000-9999) )
AT+BAUD1 OK1200 Set the baud rate to 1200
AT+BAUD2 OK2400 Set the baud rate to 2400
AT+BAUD3 OK4800 Set the baud rate to 4800
AT+BAUD4 OK9600 Set the baud rate to 9600
AT+BAUD5 OK19200 Set the baud rate to 19200
AT+BAUD6 OK38400 Set the baud rate to 38400
AT+BAUD7 OK57600 Set the baud rate to 57600
AT+BAUD8 OK115200 Set the baud rate to 115200
AT+BAUD9 OK230400 Set the baud rate to 230400
AT+BAUDA OK460800 Set the baud rate to 460800
AT+BAUDB OK921600 Set the baud rate to 921600
AT+BAUDC OK1382400 Set the baud rate to 1382400

*************************************AphaPrime Diagnostic Tools *************************************

Program for checking the hardware
(Place on robot on the floor and it will perform motor test)

– Ver 1.0 (download)
Ver 1.0: Initial Release